CTE has become a hot topic among educators and students in recent years. CTE stands for “career and technical education.” These programs prepare students for technical career paths alongside traditional curriculum. This is particularly advantageous for young students who already know what career they want to go into and don’t have an interest in pursuing a four-year degree. In this article, we will discuss the different CTE programs, which are the most popular, and how drones have made their way into the conversation.

Schools That Offer CTE Programs

If you or your students are interested in a CTE program, it’s important to know what level of education to start searching for local opportunities. Luckily, CTE is being integrated as early as middle school in some districts. Exposing kids to programs this early in their academic careers is a great way to pique interest in fields they may have not known existed. There is also some research that suggests starting as early as middle school can have a positive impact on drop out rates. (You can read more about middle school CTE on the Advance CTE website.)

Popular High School CTE Programs

Although middle school programs are on the rise, CTE programs are typically taught at the high school level. These programs are immersive and prepare students for immediate employment opportunities once they graduate. This is uniquely attractive to students who want to start making money in high-demand trades rather than continuing education at a university. Post-pandemic studies have shown that an increasing number of high school students show hesitancy toward a traditional degree pathway. There is a growing consensus among high school students who believe that college is no longer worth the cost. CTE offers a wide range of cost-effective pathways that get young people into the workforce faster with a lower barrier to entry. Here are five popular high school CTE programs that are popping up around the United States.


This may be one of the more expected pipelines for career and technical education. Cosmetology can prepare students for a career as a hairstylist, nail technician, or a product representative. Those with an entrepreneurial spirit can even qualify to open their own business. Recent advancements in the industry such as hourly pricing and an enhanced focus on high-level services have made this career pathway lucrative and primed for advancement opportunities. 


A discipline that is always in high demand, HVAC can be a rewarding career pathway for young people. A CTE program in HVAC prepares students for residential and commercial installation and service for heating, air conditioning, and refrigeration equipment. In areas that experience extreme heat or cold, HVAC experts can make a comfortable living as emergency calls and maintenance make for consistent business. 

Automotive Technology

This pipeline prepares students for a career in automotive repair and manufacturing. Students will develop a foundational understanding of both electrical and mechanical components of several vehicle types. With the increasing demand for electric vehicles, the demand for EV technicians is also rising. This leaves the door open for young people for a rewarding automotive career. 

Culinary Arts & Hospitality

The United States hospitality industry accounted for a whopping 4.79 trillion dollars in 2023 and is trending upward year over year. With that said, the demand for qualified hospitality and culinary specialists is high. Students will gain multifaceted understanding of basic food preparation, hospitality management, inventory control, purchasing, and more. A career in hospitality can prepare young people for advancement into management, corporate-level jobs, and ownership. 

Construction Trades

There are a wide variety of jobs within the construction trades that can be rewarding and are always in demand. From windows and doors to stairs and roofs, students will gain a foundational well of knowledge in construction and project management. Whether students have aspirations to join a crew or start a construction company of their own, there are several opportunities to specialize in a wide range of specialty areas in commercial and residential construction. 

How Drone Education Programs Are Leading the Way in CTE

Drones are no longer exclusively used by hobbyists and photographers. There is an entire industry on the rise with applications across a range of sectors where drone pilots are in demand and well paid. CTE programs for drone piloting have been popping up around the US, giving middle school and high school students a chance to become technically proficient in drone piloting and various drone applications.

How Rocket Drones Prepares Students with Career & Technical Education

You can buy a drone just about anywhere online these days. The problem with that is finding the right curriculum to go along with it. Rocket Drones has been intentionally built from the ground up by active drone experts with a passion for education. Your students can start out with the Classroom STEM Kits, an easy introduction into the world of drones without leaving the classroom. Students who advance through the program can sharpen their skills with the drone racing kits, an elevated experience that adds a competitive component to the curriculum. All the while, your students will be logging real flight hours, building a comprehensive portfolio, and working toward their FAA Part 107 certificate. Rocket Drones’ focus on making the students experienced and knowledgeable drone pilots upon graduation makes them instantly employable in careers that are in high demand and pay well. 

Final Thoughts on CTE Programs

More and more students are opting for a non-traditional pathway and want to join the workforce right out of high school. With a growing selection of high school CTE programs, there are now more opportunities than ever before. Even better, an increasing demand for tradesmen and women means young adults can start a career at a competitive annual salary. Drone piloting and the need for skilled practitioners is growing at a rapid rate along with an expansive list of careers and applications. The future of career and technical education is bright! 

Get In Touch

If you’re ready to take the next step with Rocket Drones at your school, learn more about it and get in touch with us on our curriculums page.