What does it take to become a commercially certified drone pilot? How much time should you plan to invest into becoming a drone pilot? At Rocket Drones, our team of drone experts and pilots know the ins and outs of how to become certified and ready to hit the market. In this article, we will tell you the steps for how to obtain your drone pilot certification and what you can do today to start preparing. 

Why Do You Need a Drone License?

It’s a good question. Afterall, anyone can buy a drone online, take it out of the box, and start flying it around their neighborhood. However, once you get above 400 feet in the United States, that is federally controlled airspace. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) requires that commercial drone users obtain a Small UAS Rule (Part 107) certification to legally and safely operate a drone. This certification verifies that you, the pilot, are operating within the confines of federal law and observing all safety measures when piloting a drone. Attempting to fly a drone commercially without the proper certification can result in federal fines and even jail time in some cases. Simply put, getting certified helps you avoid a lot of problems and ensures you and everyone around you stay safe. 

How To Get Your FAA Part 107 in 3 Easy Steps

Now that you know why you need a license to operate your drone, how do you get one? You might be surprised by just how easy it is. As long as you’re at least 16 years of age in the United States and can fluently read English, you can get your Part 107. Below is a list of easy steps that you can follow so that you can get your drone business or career off the ground in no time. 

Step 1: Study For Your Exam

This is the step that will take most of your time as it’s an important one. Studying for the Part 107 exam is pretty straightforward. While you might be inundated with paid prep courses and other shortcut schemes, the truth is that the Federal Aviation Administration’s website has all of the information you need to pass the test with flying colors. Plan to dedicate at least a few hours a week over the next month or so to become familiar with the necessary materials. The FAA recommends that you use the following resources to prepare for the exam. 

Step 2: Locate an FAA-approved Knowledge Testing Center

Once you have studied up and are feeling confident with the materials, it’s time to take your exam. The Part 107 Certification exam is proctored in person only at authorized testing centers. To locate a testing center near you, visit the FAA’s website and use their approved list of locations. Once you schedule the exam on the date and time of your choosing, you will be given an opportunity to take the test in a controlled environment. The test consists of 60 multiple choice questions and takes two hours to complete from start to finish. Those who take the exam must score at least a 70 to pass. Be prepared to spend $150 to cover the cost of the exam. 

Step 3: Get Your Card

Once you pass your exam and your TSA background check has been completed, the FAA will mail you a Remote Pilot Certificate that certifies you as a licensed drone pilot. It usually takes 6-8 weeks for the FAA to completely process and mail you your physical card. Once you receive your card, you will be able to operate a drone commercially completely legally. Best of all, you will have the knowledge necessary to remain safe and responsible during flight, giving you, your clients, and potential employers peace of mind. 

How Does Rocket Drones Prepare Students for the Part 107 Certification?

Rocket Drones was founded to get kids in middle school and high school excited about drone technology and the associated career paths. Through our high school drone racing program, students will be given the opportunity to acquire their Part 107 Certification at the age of 16 while they are still in high school. In addition, students will also develop a deep log of real flight hours, a comprehensive portfolio, and an abundance of experience with real-world applications from our classroom STEM kits and drone racing program. This means that your students will graduate from high school commercially certified and several steps ahead of their peers who are entering the job market.

Get Rocket Drones at Your School

Are you ready to learn more about what else Rocket Drones can do for your middle school or high school STEM curriculum? Visit our Contact Us page for a free quote or to schedule a virtual demo with our team. You can also call (901) 440-2797 to speak to someone today!